About Me

we both love to drink pickle juice. Yes, from the jar. And no, not the sweet kind. you can also see more info and pics about us at www.myspace.com under the name dancing feather.

Friday, January 11, 2008

My Eternal Birthday

Brent turned 31 on December 27th, but since he already passed the 30 mark- we'll talk about me. =O) My nephew Thatcher is on my lap, and the plume of smoke surrounding us is not, surprisingly, from the broiled (yes broiled) first failed lemon cake for me (which my sweet mother-in-law accidentally blackened)- but of the 29 candles (and they're all there, seems like an awful lot!) I've just tried to blow out on one breath.

January 6th I turned 29, and at 29 will I forever remain. It is with a sense of soft foreboding and gratitude that I turn the clock one more year. My last year in my twenties, and I look back with occasional guffaws, memories that still shock me and drop my jaw, and others that still make me flinch. However, the most overwhelming emotion is a sense of accomplishment: I made it through my twenties! I started them off an absolute mess, but came to get to know myself through spirituality, life-long friends, new relationships with my family and parents, adventures and experiences both joyful and heartbreaking, mistakes, triumphs, and one miraculous wedding. I am proud of myself, I am proud of the person I have become and the even better self that stands ever in front of me, urging me forward. I am a walking miracle, and I am grateful for all those, both here and above, who have guided me, forgiven me, thanked me, and challenged me. The year ahead of me looms large and promise-filled, and I am nothing but excited to live out my 29th year in both sorrow and pizzaz. I love my life, I love myself, and with that, folks...

Happy Birthday to us all.


Erin said...

please. your twenties were your best years because i have been involved! woo woo. 29! that is so crazy! i love you!

Briana said...

Happy late Birthday to the both of you! I love looking at new pictures of your smiling face.

suvi said...

I think that the 20s are such an interesting time of life because that is exactly when the biggest personal decisions are made about who we are and what we want to become-- personally and professionally. Can you believe the disasters that seemed so huge int he yearly years turned out so well later on? Happy Birthday Monica, and may this last year be one more of growing and being.

Lori Romney said...

so I just rememebered you wanted a bang trim! like 2 months ago. :( im sorry. i forgot all about it.